
Play These Cool Rootless Piano Voicings with Your Band - By Greg Lloyd

I’ve been getting lots of great questions from you, so I’m doing a new series of videos called #askgregmusic to answer these for you.
I’ll pick one of your questions and do a video to answer it.
I’ll continue to answer as many as I can by email to so keep sending me all your questions.

Mark was asking: 1. Which voicings should I use, when playing in a band with a bass player?

2. What should I play in each hand?

Find out my answer below in the free video lesson and grab the FREE sheet music!

#askgregmusic @classicaltojazzpiano

Got a question for Greg on music, blues or jazz?

Leave a question below in comment area or email greg at:

Learn all Three 4 - Note Chords in Root Position (Major 7, Minor 7, Dominant 7) Ascending and Descending Chromatically - By Greg Lloyd - FREE sheet music below

Are you having trouble learning the Three 4-note chords: Major7, Minor 7 and Dominant 7 in all 12 keys? Maybe you are looking for a “chop” burner to workout those fingers?

Playing chromatically is key when playing jazz piano. The lesson above moves up and down the three 4-note chords chromatically.

This is a great exercise to get the three x basic 4-note chords down and into your brain, plus it is a great "chops burner” or workout for the fingers. I still do this exercise today… it's a great warm up!

Never start “burning” right away. Playing slow and focusing on clean precise notes between the two hands is key. I still do this exercise today. It’s part of my warm up.

Take it easy,


P.S. Join the conversation by leaving a comment or question below? Or email me at:

Killer Chords from 'Killer Joe' the Dominant 7 (9) (13) Chord in all 12 Keys - By Greg Lloyd - FREE sheet music below

Killer Chords from 'Killer Joe' the Dominant 7 (9) (13) Chord in all 12 Keys - By Greg Lloyd - FREE sheet music below

This lesson will show you how to play the dominant 7 (9) (13) chord in all 12 keys in 3 steps.

All of this is written out note-for-note for you to download and play on the piano in this lesson's pdf cheat sheet.