10 ways to Play a Rock Song and Accompany Yourself on the Piano using the 6-4-1-5 Chord Progression

This lesson is going to show you 10 ways to play the 6 - 4 - 1 - 5 chord progression, the #1 rock progression.

Many students ask how can you make the VI - IV - I - V ( 6 - 4 -1 - 5 ) sound more interesting? How can you move away from root position? What would you play?

In this lesson, you will learn how to play ‘rock’ piano and to sing and play chords on the piano like a ‘busking’ guitarist would.

I used to play all the Beatles, Elton John and Billy Joel songs on the piano by reading chord charts, but I never knew how to vary them and make the piano sound more interesting. This used to bug me, so I’ve written out these 10 variations to help you move along.

Better still, download the pdf/cheat sheet under the video.

What’s cool about these variations is that you can use any of the bars and change them to suit whatever chord you are on, depending on the key.

I’m really excited about this lesson as it’s the lesson I would have loved but never had when I started on my musical journey and wanted to sing and play ‘rock’ songs at the piano. This information is gold 🙂 and will make you sound like a pro!

If you have any questions please get in touch and leave me a comment below.

You can also email me directly at: greg@classicaltojazzpiano.com. It’s great to hear from you guys so please don’t be shy.

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I hope this has helped you out.

Take it easy,


Here’s what’s in the pdf/cheat sheet:
