Major and Minor Triads in all 12 Keys and Inversions

If you're wondering where to start with jazz piano, learning chords is ground zero. A great way to develop your chord vocabulary chops is to learn the major and minor triads in all 12 keys and in every inversion. It's what I did at the beginning of my jazz journey, and whenever I got stuck or confused, I went back to basics. If that's where you're at, this free guide will help. I've written out the major and minor triads in all 12 keys with inversions for you so you'll have them all in one place as a handy reference. This guide and video give you a fast track to learning chord vocabulary because I show you a cool and easy way to work your way through all the keys and inversions. Watch the video where I play the triads and inversions in all 12 keys with both the right and left hands, and grab your FREE cheat sheet above!