Lesson 1

I wish I knew these 3 jazz piano scales when I started playing

These are the 3 scales my teachers never told me when I was at the beginning of my jazz journey. They will make you sound awesome right away!

Lesson 2

Major 7, Minor 7 & Dominant 7 - All 12 Keys - ascending and descending

This is a fantastic exercise to get all the 3 basic 4-note chords into your head, plus as an added bonus it’s great for the fingers as well!

Lesson 3

scale-tone 7ths from the major scale in all 12 keys

The scale-tones 7ths are a great way to get the 4-note chords off the major scale into you head, plus it’s another great finger exercise.

Lesson 4

killer chords from ‘killer joe’ the domiNANT 7 (9) (13) IN ALL 12 KEYS

This is one of my favourite voicings. It sounds great! Check it out.