Lesson 1

the top #3 steps you need to know to play an “F” blues with a band or bass player

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Playing jazz piano with a band is amazing. It is one of the best feelings in the world. This lesson will show you how to do it with an “F” jazz blues, giving you all the tools you need to get going. This is a lesson you can not miss if you want to play with a band or bass player.

Lesson 2

The Top #4 Steps you need to know to play an “F” Blues (solo Piano)

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If you are looking for a way to start playing solo jazz piano, the 12 bar blues is a great place to start. Here, this lesson deep dives into an “F” jazz blues. It shows you an awesome left hand and gives you a detailed scale map of what to play in the right hand, getting you ready to tackle playing a great blues.

Lesson 3

Improvisations on 'Flamenco Sketches' - by Evans/Davis - played by Greg Lloyd.

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I have had many people email and comment asking me if I have the music notation (a transcription) for this improvisation in the video...well I do now ! - CLICK BELOW - to get it! Then watch the video over and over to help you learn it.

Lesson 4

"Monk's Mood" By Thelonious Monk - Arrangement by Greg Lloyd

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Play Monk today with this arrangement of “Monk’s Mood” CLICK BELOW to grab the free sheet music and watch the video over and over as you learn it.

Lesson 5

Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Arranged by Greg Lloyd

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I have always loved this tune, and I wrote an arrangement of it for you all to check out. CLICK BELOW to check it out.

Lesson 6

5 awesome c Altered licks

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If you are looking for some awesome ‘altered’ licks, then check this out!

Lesson 7

How to play jazz piano with a big band - The 4 steps you need to know

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This is a great lesson which will show you how to play rootless voicings with a bass player or big band on the wonderful tune ‘Blue Bossa’

Lesson 8

Want a cool chromatic piano exercise to play like Mc Coy Tyner?

This quick lesson will show you how to sound like the legend Mc Coy Tyner.

Lesson 9

The first 2 steps to playing solo jazz piano you can’t miss

When we learn jazz piano, with are taught to leave out the root notes as the bass player/s have this covered. This lesson will show you what to do with the root notes so you can play solo jazz piano of the wonderful tune “Misty” You will be able to apply the methods here on all standards.

Lesson 10

10 II-V-I Licks in C

Jazz is full of II-V-I’s in all 12 keys, both in the major and minor key. This lesson shows you 10 awesome II-V-I’s in C major. They are yours to learn and play. I use these licks all the time.

Lesson 11

Chromatic walking bass line for piano on a c jazz Blues

This is the exact bass line one of my jazz teachers gave me is a lesson where he told me to play it and sing it. I still use it today as a foundation for all my walking lines in the left hand. Check it out!

Lesson 12

Play these cool rootless piano voicings with your band

An in depth look at how and what to play when you are looking to play rootless chord voicings.

Lesson 13

PLay all 12 diminished 7 chords as broken chords

This exercise is a great “chops” builder, it is also a great way to learn what the 12 diminished 7th chords are while working on your technique at the same time.

Lesson 14

rootless major II-V-I

An easy trick to playing a great major II-V-I is explained.